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What Is Liability Insurance?
Be prepared.
Liability Insurance is a type of insurance that covers legal costs and payouts the insured is liable for as a result of claims, injuries, and damage to other people or other people’s property.
If the insured is found to be legally responsible for paying these costs, third-party liability insurance can help. If, however, they cause damage or injury intentionally or fail contractual obligations, liability insurance may not cover them.

Types of Liability Insurance
Public Liability Cover
An important part of any business’ risk management strategy includes public liability insurance. This type of insurance provides cover for instances where members of the public, in particular, bring claims against your company for damages, injuries, or fatalities. There are different forms of public liability insurance available. This type of insurance is valuable for businesses and professionals who interact with members of the public.

Vehicle Third-Party Liability Cover
Third-party liability cover for your company cars or vehicles covers losses, damages, and injuries for other parties in an accident, but not your own losses, damages, or injuries. This type of liability insurance is very affordable, making it an attractive option for companies on a budget.
General Liability Cover
Third-party cover for your company? That’s also called general liability cover, and it will protect your company from third-party claims for damages. General (or comprehensive) liability insurance packages can often be customised to suit small-to-medium business enterprises and every other kind of business or organisation. The amount you pay and what the insurer agrees to cover will be influenced by the type of business or organisation you have and how much risk is involved.

D & O Liability Cover
The term D&O is an acronym for Directors and Officers. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance protects a company’s board of directors and officers against liabilities. Most D&O Liability Insurance focuses on protecting the company’s directors and officers should the company itself be sued. D&O Insurance is often a measure that goes above the liability and other business insurance already in place in the company.
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