It is not uncommon to be under-insured when you run a business. Get a couple of business insurance quotes to find out if you’re on the right track. Different types of tailor-made short-term [...]
Running a taxi or a fleet of taxis is no different to running any other type of business in South Africa, and as with any other business, it is imperative to have the right kind of insurance [...]
Smart technology is growing in popularity so play it safe by insuring phones, tablets and your laptop. Stipulate the cover you want for home and office desktop computers, what type of laptop [...]
New research has shown that business insurance companies and the industry as a whole are growing. Research by the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA) shows that in the 2011 [...]
It would be interesting to see whether business insurance companies would agree to polygraph testing in the future or not. A recent survey conducted by South Africa’s top companies show that the [...]